Lainsa participates in an international congress organised by the French Nuclear Energy Society

Grupo Dominguis was also present at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society, where a paper by the Lainsa Director of Services for Europe and Asia was awarded.

The Nuclear Power Chemistry (NPC) congress held in Paris from 24th to 28th September 2012 included the participation of Lainsa and Lainsa France and dealt fundamentally with issues relating to reactor chemistry, maintenance and automated control systems.

At this forum, which was attended by delegates from the majority of countries with nuclear facilities and at which the Spanish plants were represented, Lainsa presented a paper on the robot-operated metallisation system Tirant 3, while Lainsa France presented the results of the GSS heat exchanger cleaning process carried out along with Solarca for Electricité de France.

The NPC has not been the only recent meeting point in the sector at which Grupo Dominguis has been present.  From 17th to 19th October the 38th Annual Meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society was held in Cáceres and Grupo Dominguis had a stand highlighting its novelties in R&D and internationalisation, which aroused great interest among the companies attending.

The paper “Mechanical and chemical cleaning of heat exchangers at French nuclear power plants”, presented by José Tomás Ruiz Martínez – Lainsa Director of Services for Europe and Asia, was awarded the Prize for the Best Paper in the maintenance session of the Annual Meeting.

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