New Thermal Protection contracts at Cofrentes NPP

Digital Twin – BIM modelling for project optimisation.
GDES, together with the Cofrentes NPP mechanical and technical design department, has developed a 3D point cloud model of the Auxiliary Building using BIM technology to optimise implementation of one of the projects arising from the latest Periodic Safety Review (PSR) of the power plant.
Thanks to this technique, radiation doses have been kept to a minimum (by reducing the need for staff to enter the plant to perform checks), design errors have been reduced and eliminated (realistic design basis checks) and an optimal design plan has been obtained to facilitate understanding among staff involved in maintenance, radiation protection, and implementation of this design modification. This service will be extended throughout the plant cycle and will culminate in the forthcoming R24, providing a further improvement to safety at the plant.
Transport and lifting of critical loads.
International nuclear industry organisations such as the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), Nuclear Regulatory Reports from NRC (NUREG) and the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO), have identified as critical activities the different types of lifting and movement of suspended loads during the operating phases of a nuclear power plant. The phases of construction, refuelling and dismantling are those with the highest incidence.
As a result of these recommendations and studies, Spanish nuclear power plants have initiated a new process of improvement, and it is within this context that GDES has been awarded a new contract for design, preparation, supervision and technical advisory services at the plant for critical load transport and lifting operations to be carried out during cycle 24, including the 24th refuelling outage. The duration of the contract is 2 years. It includes training consultancy services and the delivery of practical seminars and administrative and documentary management.
Structures, thermal insulation, passive fire protection and plant maintenance.
Finally, in addition to these new contracts, GDES renewed the following contracts from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2026, including Refuelling Outage 24 (2023) and Refuelling Outage 25 (2025):
- scaffolding, radiological shielding, handling, metal structures, workplace safety observations, and reflective insulation services in maintenance and refuelling activities.
- thermal insulation, sealing, identification and plant maintenance services (inspections and adaptation of workplaces) in maintenance and refuelling activities.