GDES implements SAFETY II

Safety culture is one of the strategic pillars of our Group and the efforts that this entails have resulted in a significant reduction in the number of workplace accidents in our organisation. GDES has decided to go one step further by promoting a culture of safety through new initiatives.
GDES has started progressive implementation of the SAFETY II philosophy in its work teams. A new positive and collaborative approach to safety focused on what is done well and what keeps the workplace accident rate at zero.
SAFETY II is a working methodology that complements the RedER programme and focuses on good practices on three levels: workplace safety, accident prevention and the human factor.
The team of the Citernes project, developed by GDES France for several EDF plants, has pioneered the adoption of this system. There is no doubt that it has been successfully implemented thanks to the involvement of all participating operators and technicians.
In collaboration with all the staff involved in the project, 11 good practices were compiled and refined. All the initiatives are a recognition of the quality of the work of our colleagues and the human factor, which guarantees “that all goes well”.
Implementation of this methodology means a change of paradigm: we now not only talk about “human error” but also about “human success”. The objective is to promote positive day-to-day behaviours that demonstrate safe attitudes and emphasise a positive approach to safety. The SAFETY II philosophy will be gradually implemented in more GDES projects and workplaces worldwide. The continuity of the programme and its expansion will be one more element of our commitment to sustainability and to maintaining the highest levels of quality and safety at GDES – project after project, generation after generation.