New automated system for the radiological characterisation of radioactive waste drums

GDES sistema de caracterizacion bidones residuos radiologicos

GDES Innovation has delivered and installed the first unit of a new innovative system for the automated radiological characterisation of radioactive waste drums.

The project was developed to improve radiation safety and reduce dose levels, and to optimise and digitalise dosimetric and radiological data on waste. The system digitalises all the recorded data, including an image of each drum and its dimensions, together with a fully traceable record of the drum identification number.

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Valencia to host the 17th IRPA International Congress in 2028.

The IRPA International Congress is the premier global gathering of the scientific and professional community working in the field of radiation protection. It is held every 4 years and will return to Europe after Seoul 2020 and Orlando 2024.

Valencia will take up the baton of the 17th IRPA International Congress under the motto “Ensuring Radiation Protection for the Future”. It will undoubtedly represent a great opportunity for Europe’s radiation protection practitioners to meet with each other and with attendees from the rest of the world and discuss key issues for the industry; and a great opportunity to listen to and share experiences with key international players, including the ICRP, IAEA, WHO, NEA and many others, on their current and future programmes and priorities.

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GDES responsible for the surface maintenance of the 21% of the nuclear sector in France

GDES, responsable del mantenimiento de superficies del 21% del parque nuclear de Francia

GDES (GD Energy Services) has been awarded a new maintenance contract for the surface treatment and anti-corrosion coatings of the reactors in the Blayais and Civaux nuclear power plants in France. This contract is for a period of 5 years, with an option for a further 3 years, and was awarded by EDF (Électricité de France), the largest electricity producer in France and Europe.

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