Héctor Dominguis new vice chairman of the Spanish Nuclear Society

Héctor Dominguis, CEO of GD Energy Services, was appointed vice chairman of the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE) at its last general assembly, held on 28 February. The board of directors of the SNE is, by delegation of the assembly, the executive body of the society and is responsible for appointing its commissions and committees.

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Decommissioning of the José Cabrera power plant enters the home straight

GDES, through temporary consortium UTE Monlain, has successfully dismantled the ventilation stack of the José Cabrera nuclear power plant (better known as “Zorita”).

The José Cabrera nuclear power plant will enter the final stage of decommissioning once radiological dismantling and building decontamination have been completed. The final stage will be a conventional demolition of the facility and building structures (including the reactor building).

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