Lainsa has been awarded the provision of complementary radiological protection services for Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant

Lainsa a company specialized in the nuclear industry and part of Grupo Dominguis was awarded the provision of complementary radiological protection services for Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant (CNC) during the 18th refueling which took place between September 25th and November 10th of this year. Lainsa has already provided this service in the past, in prior refuelings of the Valencian facility as a subcontractor, but this is the first time that Iberdrola Generación S.A. has awarded this service directly to Lainsa.
A professional team of 43 Lainsa’s experts has worked for more than one and a half months at Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant complementing the work done by CNC’s radiological protection services, in which the Grupo Dominguis’ company has extensive experience from its participation as a subcontractor of the prior awarded company.