GDES collaborates with ITER on Safety Day

ITER, the world’s largest fusion project, held its Safety Day on 15 September as part of a drive to actively engage all workers and collaborators at its facilities. Safety is a central priority at ITER, so IO (ITER Organization) organised a full programme of interactive workshops, simulators, discussions and demonstrations to inform about key procedures at its facilities and to raise awareness among its participants.

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GDES becomes a Participant of the United Nations Global Compact

GDES has been part of the Spanish Network of the United Nations Global Compact for more than 10 years. This international initiative promotes the implementation of various universally accepted principles for corporate social responsibility (CSR) in companies.

At GDES we have decided to broaden the scope of our collaboration by extending this commitment to the Group level, including all the majority shareholding companies, and going from Signatory to Participant in this global strategy for sustainability.

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GDES team at ITER receives the recognition of APAVE

Many actions are implemented at ITER, the largest fusion project in the world, to encourage the active commitment of all the workers and collaborators at its facilities. Safety is a priority at ITER, and for this reason APAVE, the company tasked with coordinating health and safety on the ITER project, is constantly implementing improvement plans and monitoring all safety-related actions developed at the facilities.

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