GDES completes the project of anticorrosive treatment and sanitation of the feather in Palau de les Arts of Valencia

The project has been carried out by GD ENERGY SERVICES (GDES), as international business group that has been operating since 1932 and is a leader in providing services to the industry in the following areas of activity: Nuclear Services, Surface Treatments, Industrial Maintenance, Services to Renewable Energies, Chemical Cleaning, Radiological Emergencies and Maintenance of Power.
Since July 26, 2016, GDES has worked on the feather that crowns the building designed by the Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava, the Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía. A work in which they have employed 3 and a half months for its complete execution.
In this project GDES has participated through 3 companies: REVANTI SLU, has been awarded the contract, and has been in charged of the surface preparation with abrasive sponges and the application of anticorrosive coating in areas that did not require work in suspension. GD Energy Services SAU was responsible for surface preparation by means of pressurized water in areas that did not require suspended work. And finally, for the preparation of surface and application of coating in those areas that required positioning by means of ropes to access them, GDES has subcontracted the cooperative TALUDIA, which has done such work under the GDES’ supervision.
The project for the restoration of the Palau ends with this last project carried out by GDES. The Palace will be ready in time for the representation of Il vesper siciliani, by Verdi, which will inaugurate the new season of the Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia.