Adoración Arnaldos Gonzálvez

Corporate Coordination

Director of Innovation and Technology

Adoración Arnaldos Gonzálvez is an Industrial Engineer by the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain, specialized in Energy. She also holds the qualification of University Specialist in Environment and Nuclear Safety by the Polytechnic University of Valencia and a postgraduate course in Executive Business Management by the Valencian Chamber of Commerce.

Adoración has been working all her career, more than 20 years, for the energy sector, particularly developing new technologies and innovation projects, for both the public sector (university departments and institutes) and private companies.

She has participated in the foundation and launching of 2 technology-based companies, Titania (with the Polytechnic University of Valencia), where she was the Technical Manager and GDES T4S (with the Spanish utility Iberdrola), where she held the position of Managing Director. From 2020, she is the Innovation and Technology Director of GDES Group.

José Ramón Ferrer Tormos

Corporate Coordination

Finance Director

José Ramón Ferrer, has a Degree in Economics and Management from the University of Valencia. He has a Master in Financial Management from ESIC and has undertaken the Program of Executive Development (PDD) at IESE.

His professional career started as adviser and auditor, holding different positions in the Financial Management Departments of national and international companies. In 2007, he was named Finance Director at GD Energy Services (GDES).

Nelia Martínez Peral

Corporate Coordination

Tender Support Director

Nelia Martínez is an Industrial Engineer with specialization in Electricity. She has an AMP at the IE Business School, and training as a Specialist in Operations and Lean Management.

Nelia Martínez, developed part of her professional experience in the Studies Department of a company in the energy sector, in which she was mainly responsible for creating the necessary tools and support in the planning and management of projects. She has more than 17 years of professional experience and joined GD Energy Services (GDES) in April 2015. She is currently Tender Support Director of GD Energy Services (GDES).

Eduardo Castelló Cobos

Services fonctionnels

Director of Information Technology

Eduardo Castelló has a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, with 20 years of experience as IT Manager in various Spanish companies, undertaking tasks in IT development, the ICT sector, programming environments, implementation of complex systems and team management. From 2021, Eduardo Castelló assumes the position of Director of Information Technology of GDES.

José Antonio Noguera Murillo

Services fonctionnels

Management Control Director

José Antonio Noguera Murillo is a European Graduate in Business Administration (GEDE), specialising in finance,
accounting and management. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management (ADE) from the University of Valencia and in International Commerce from the Marseille School of Commerce.

From 2018, José Antonio Noguera Murillo assumes the position of Management Control Director of GDES.