Alberto Conde Mellado

B.U. Digital Transformation and Business 4.0  

Director of Digital Transformation and Business 4.0  

Alberto has a PhD in industrial engineering from Tecnun, University of Navarra, and is a national pioneer in the use of data to anticipate the future of machines, having already worked in the field of data analysis and predictive models since 2002. His entrepreneurial spirit has inspired him to start up various projects, all related to data, adding considerable value to the industrial sector. Such is the passion that drives his professional development every day; over the years, he has poured his energies into creating and leading technological projects such as Ikasplay or NEM Solutions (50% owned by CAF and 50% by Siemens Gamesa), and currently as founder and CEO of xabet.

Alberto has gained extensive international experience, has taken postgraduate courses in the field of business management, and was named European Digital Influencer in 2017 in recognition of the first part of his professional career.

In his more than 20 years of professional experience, he has garnered various awards in the field of innovation and technology; he holds several patents and has published a number of articles. He is known for connecting machines and data with people, earning him the nickname “machine doctor”.

He is a champion of the digital age and the possibilities that the continuous transformation of our reality offers for the improvement of our companies, our lives and, above all, the lives of future generations – our children and grandchildren.