Photovoltaic Pumping: Energy Efficiency for the Future of the Agri-Food Sector.

Did you know that agriculture can apply energy efficiency solutions?

The search for sustainable energy solutions in the primary sector has driven the development of technologies that optimise energy consumption. One of the most promising is photovoltaic pumping, which allows water to be supplied by solar energy. This system generates electricity to power water pumps, reducing dependence on conventional sources such as fossil fuels or the grid.

In this article, we explore the advantages, limitations and applications of photovoltaic pumping, with and without batteries. A solution that can achieve a reduction of up to 98% in the energy costs of agricultural irrigation.

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Cámara Valencia avanza en sostenibilidad con el sistema de almacenamiento energético BESS de GDES Efficiency

Cámara de Comercio de Valencia da un paso más en su inversión por la sostenibilidad y la eficiencia energética con la reciente instalación de un sistema de almacenamiento energético BESS (Battery Energy Storage System), en colaboración con GDES Efficiency. Este proyecto forma parte de un plan estratégico de largo plazo para reducir la huella de carbono y optimizar el autoconsumo energético en sus instalaciones. 

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