UNE 166002 Standard Certification of the R&D&i Management System extended to the entire Grupo Dominguis

To date only Titania held this certification, which has been renewed for three years.

Grupo Dominguis has renewed the certification of its R&D&i Management System in accordance with the UNE 166002 Standard for the period 2013-2015, following an audit performed by the accredited entity Bureau Veritas.

Advantage has also been taken of the process to extend this certification, originally awarded to the company Titania in 2009, to the entire group.  This will initially cover Titania and Lainsa and will allow for the incorporation of other group companies in later audits.

This decision to take the certification to corporate level coincides with the modifications made in the R&D&i management strategy, with the setting up of the Technology Development Department for the entire group, the incorporation of people from all the companies in the Technology Committee and the unification and generalisation of the procedures applicable in this area.