GDES France returns to work

During the shutdown caused by the pandemic, the energy sector has been working on the front line to guarantee supplies to thousands of European users. Slowly but surely, all workers and companies are returning to their normal routines under the strictest occupational health and safety protocols; and facility maintenance and improvement projects are also coming back online.

To build momentum, and to be proactive and efficient so that our clients can ramp up progress towards their goals, GDES is reinforcing its projects in France with 76 Spanish workers who are joining the GDES France teams during the months of May and June.

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GDES has created a specific service to advise on correct disinfection against COVID-19

GDES has more than 40 years of experience in advising and operating in industries with high safety standards, such as the nuclear, chemical, health and research sectors. Thanks to this knowledge, GDES is now able to offer its clients in Spain a comprehensive consultancy service focused on designing disinfection solutions using a range of techniques adapted to each type of client and with the aim of offering specific virucidal disinfection solutions for SARS-CoV-2 in response to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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VIGIA in the Nuclear Engineering International Magazine

‘Keeping track at Cofrentes’

Optimising control and monitoring in FME zones using UHF RFID technology

RFID technology has been used to monitor and control materials entering foreign material exclusion zones at Cofrentes Nuclear Plant with VIGIA technology, an innovation developed by GDES.

Our GDES Innovation colleagues José Ignacio Roselló, Alberto Mínguez and Jesús Lacalle discuss the Project in the last issue of Nuclear Engineering International.



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From now on, GDES Erba will be GDES Revanti

As part of the Group’s strategic planning process, in which we have made a clear commitment to position ourselves in the market as a Group of companies offering services to the energy sector, we have also simplified the GDES brand, specifically in the case of GDES Erba and GDES Revanti, both of which specialise in Surface Treatments. GDES Erba and GDES Revanti have been merged and will henceforth be known as GDES Revanti.

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